English News Pod

#22: Epic Showdown: Barbie Takes on Oppenheimer in Barbenheimer

August 08, 2023 English Teacher Caroline Episode 22

Today's news in English will look at the war happening between Barbie and Oppenheimer in the box office. Please find the full transcript here.  

Two mega blockbusters releasing on the same weekend? Is this a disaster or blessing in disguise for Hollywood? From Barbieland to atomic bombs, Barbie and Oppenheimer can’t be any different. 

Hello my beautiful students and welcome back to English News Pod, the best way for you to learn practical English through the news. I’m your host and teacher, Caroline. 

In this episode, we’ll be diving into the world of cinema, focusing on the recent box office success of two films, "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer". We'll explore the financial aspects and the global impact of these movies, as well as their reviews. You can find a full transcript of this podcast episode in the description.

Recently, theaters enjoyed a significant increase in revenue, as Greta Gerwig's "Barbie" and Christpoher Nolan’s "Oppenheimer" attracted millions of viewers around the world. "Barbenheimer" has proven to be not a one-weekend phenomenon, but an ongoing box-office bonanza. The two movies combined have surpassed $1 billion in worldwide ticket sales.Both films were boosted by positive critical reception and glowing audience word of mouth reviews, as well as many theaters screening the films as a double feature.

Nostalgia has helped drive the Barbie hype, and "Barbie" has been praised for its inventiveness and energy. Critics have highlighted its perfect, funny, sad, and inspiring narrative. The film has been described as a pink and poignant rumination on womanhood, with Margot Robbie's performance as Barbie being particularly praised. The film has also been noted for its feminist message and its reflection of real-world issues. The Barbie hype has also been driven by its marketing campaign, consisting of an array of partnerships, ranging from a pink Xbox, to a $1,350 Balmain hoodie. You can even book a vacation at the real-life Barbie Dreamhouse on Airbnb! 

"Oppenheimer," on the other hand, has been hailed as a towering achievement and a masterclass in weaving narratives and different time periods. Critics have praised its exploration of the profound depths of a man whose actions altered the world's trajectory forever, for better or worse. The film has been described as a riveting historical psychodrama, with Cillian Murphy's performance as Oppenheimer being particularly lauded. The film's ability to immerse viewers into a very specific world, without holding their hand, has also been noted. Moreover, the wild thing about Oppenheimer is they do not use CGI for the atomic explosion scene - instead, they made  a realistic atomic explosion by using chemicals and layering clips while editing.

While both films have set box office records, they have done so in a unique way. Unlike previous record-setting weekends, which were typically dominated by a single major franchise installment, this is the first time two competing movies have opened to such high box office numbers in the same frame. This is seen as a triumph for original storytelling in an industry increasingly dependent on pre-existing franchises. 

Financially, we have to give the win to Barbie, but there’s much more nuance when it comes to movies. So are you Team Barbie or Oppenheimer? 

Let’s take a look at some grammar:

  1. 'Phenomenon' - 'Phenomenon' is a noun referring to a remarkable or outstanding event or fact. In this episode, the term is used to describe the unexpected and ongoing popularity of "Barbenheimer."
  2. 'Critical reception' - 'Critical reception' is a noun phrase that refers to how a movie, book, play, etc. is received and evaluated by critics. This news story uses the term to discuss how critics have positively reviewed both "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer."
  3. 'Word of mouth' - 'Word of mouth' is a noun phrase referring to information or feedback spread by informal communication, especially personal recommendations. We used this term to describe how positive reviews from audiences have contributed to the success of the films.
  4. 'Nostalgia' - 'Nostalgia' is a noun referring to sentimental longing or affection for the past. In this case, it's used to describe one of the driving forces behind the popularity of "Barbie."
  5. 'Rumination' - 'Rumination' is a noun that refers to deep or prolonged thinking about something. We used rumination to describe the depth of the film "Barbie" in reflecting on womanhood.
  6. 'Masterclass' - 'Masterclass' is a noun referring to an exemplary display of a particular skill or ability. In this story, it is used to praise "Oppenheimer" for its superb execution in storytelling and managing different time frames.
  7. 'Psychodrama' - 'Psychodrama' is a noun referring to a genre of theater or film that explores the psychological development and emotional depth of characters. The news story uses it to categorize and praise the movie "Oppenheimer."
  8. 'Franchise' - 'Franchise' is a noun that refers to a series of films or products that revolve around the same story or theme. In this case, the term is used to discuss the typical pattern of record-setting box office weekends.
  9. 'Nuance' - 'Nuance' is a noun that refers to subtle differences in meaning, expression, or response. We used the word nuance to discuss the complexity of evaluating the success of the movies beyond their financial performance.


Do you know what a noun phrase is? A noun phrase is a group of words that work together to name and describe a person, place, thing, or idea. When we talk about a noun phrase, we're referring to a phrase that has a noun as its head or main word, along with any of the noun's modifiers, such as determiners, adjectives, prepositions, or more.

In the podcast script, "word of mouth" is an example of a noun phrase. Here, "word" is the main noun, and "of mouth" is a prepositional phrase acting as a modifier, specifying the type of "word" we're talking about. Together, they form the noun phrase "word of mouth," which describes the concept of information spreading through conversation. In this news story, we mentioned that both films were boosted by glowing 'word of mouth' reviews.

That wraps us up for today. If you liked this podcast, please subscribe and follow.

Thanks for listening, and I will see you soon for more news in English!